LeagueOfAngelsFireRaiders Wiki
Rune 40000
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The Very Important Person program is how GTArcade rewards people who purchase Diamonds via the Recharge function. There are various perks to being at a specific VIP level.

Note: The table below may be missing some perks which apply to specific areas of Gameplay
VIP Perks
Purchase Limits Unlocks Player v Player Angel Trial Relic Dungeon
Stam Gold Gold Crit Hero Chron Train Slot Function Buy PvP Free Raids Buy Raids Blitz Treasure Reset Blitz Att
1 300 3 5 x3 20
2 4 20
3 5 30 8 4
4 6 40 x4 7 Blitz &
Myst. Merch.
40 4
5 7 50 Superior Rune Charge
6 8 60 15 8 Mystic Divine 50 10 6
7 9 70 60% 50%
8 10 80 9 60 65% 5
9 11 90 20 12 8 70%
10 12 100 10 80 75% +10
11 14 150 10 +15
12 16 300 +20